– Chemical & Explosive Detection for Military Personnel
Protecting those who protect us all by detecting invisible threats
Mission success requires preparedness and appropriate response to the threat at hand. Military personnel must assess dangerous situations quickly and effectively. Body armor protects against bullets, but unseen hazards like toxic chemicals are more challenging to mitigate. Morphix Technologies’ lightweight, cost-effective, and fast acting colorimetric chemical and explosive detection solutions are used by military and government agencies across the globe. Adaptable to fit mission specific needs, the Chameleon chemical detection armband is a modular system which detects up to ten toxic chemicals in air. The TraceX explosive detection kit allows users to detect all major explosive materials and precursors in a single swab.

Chameleon Armband
Handsfree detection platform capable of monitoring up to 10 chemicals simultaneously.
TraceX Kits
Explosive detection kit used to identify all major explosive classes and their precursors.
Our Products – TraceX
What is TraceX you may ask? It is a revolutionary colorimetric explosive detection system: contained in an index-card-sized box. The TraceX explosive detection kit was originally a project that Morphix Technologies worked on for the US Department of Defense. The idea?...
Chameleon in Action at 2021 DTRA CBOA event
Morphix Technologies participated in the 2021 DTRA CBOA exercise at Fort Story in Virginia Beach Virginia with the Chameleon Chemical Detection Armband as well as the prototype of its hands-free class chemical detector.
Sometimes Finding the Solution to New Challenges Can Be Found Looking Back
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Absolutely, we all want the newest and greatest widget but sometimes those tried and true methods are still best. Colorimetric explosive detection is a great example. Many of the colorimetric explosive detection kits in use today...
Chameleon HazMat Detection Kit
Military personnel’s risk of exposure to chemicals in the line of duty is at an all-time high. Morphix developed the Chameleon for the US Marine Corps, who was looking for a way to protect personnel from the threat of toxic industrial chemicals (TICs). The Chameleon is now used by all branches of the US military, and across many allied countries. The Chameleon Hazmat Kit samples for ten toxic chemicals simultaneously. It identifies chemical threats by providing an immediate response upon exposure to TICs. It’s intuitive, easy-to-use, hands-free design, makes Chameleon an ideal tool for every branch of the military.
Chameleon Clan-Meth Detection Kit
Illicit drug labs pose a danger to nearby residents and the law enforcement and military personnel responding to the scene. These labs are often chemically unstable and likely to release dangerous chemical vapors. The Chameleon Clan-Meth detection kit detects the most common chemicals found in these illicit drug labs. Military personnel who use the kit can identify the toxic threat at hand, reducing the risk for exposure from toxic vapors often emitted by illicit labs.
TraceX Explosives Detection Kit
Military personnel often need to identify suspected bombmakers or bomb making materials. The TraceX Explosive Detection kit identifies all major classes of explosives, home-made explosives (HMEs) and their precursors with just one swab. It provides accurate and almost immediate on-site results. Identifying the explosive agent allows explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians to better prepare their response to mitigate incidents where a suspected explosive device is found. The TraceX has been adopted by militaries and government agencies around the world for its ability to quickly and accurately determine the explosive threat at hand.