Protecting those who protect us all
Emergency medical professionals and firefighters alike never know the dangers they may face. With fast acting detection solutions, these professionals can identify chemical and explosive threats, and respond accordingly to the situation at hand. These lifesaving sensors help to keep firefighters and EMS personnel safe when it matters most. The Chameleon chemical detection armband alerts firefighters and EMS personnel to the exposure of up to ten chemicals on one hands-free platform. The TraceX explosive detection kit identifies all major classes of home-made explosives (HMEs) and their precursors with just one swab.

Chameleon Armband
Handsfree detection platform capable of monitoring up to 10 chemicals simultaneously.
TraceX Kits
Explosive detection kit used to identify all major explosive classes and their precursors.
Chemical Suicide, Unspoken Truths, and Chameleon
This article will discuss suicide, specifically chemical suicide, and intends to do so from a perspective of public safety and information regarding involved first responders. If you or someone you know is battling with suicidal thoughts or actions or is in crisis,...
Our Products: Chameleon Chemical Detection Applications
Alright, now you’ve heard of what the Chameleon Armband is, you’ve seen pictures, maybe even heard another department using it, but how does it work and is it right for you? Let’s get you some answers on our Chameleon and its chemical detection applications, or at...
Our Products: Your World – Chameleon
The Fire raged for hours. It all began as a spark, a small, insignificant murmur of smoke with a whisper of danger. Soon after, the blazes rose high and an army of bright lights and fireproof figures rushed to squelch the now engulfed structure. Ladders and firehoses...
Chameleon HazMat Detection Kit
The role of Firefighters and EMS professionals has changed dramatically beyond responding to fires and collisions. Hazardous materials response and chemical exposure treatment are also within their scope of responsibility. While all firefighters are at risk of exposure to chemicals, some fire departments have a dedicated hazardous materials response team. The Chameleon HazMat Detection Kit can help identify chemical threats and keep firefighters and emergency medical response personnel safe from the risk of exposure to hazardous materials. It’s intuitive, easy-to-use design, makes Chameleon an ideal tool for every firefighter or emergency responder.
Chameleon Clan-Meth Detection Kit
Illicit drug labs pose a danger to nearby residents and first responder personnel responding to the scene. These labs are often chemically unstable and likely to release very dangerous chemical vapors. The Chameleon Clan-Meth detection kit detects the most common chemicals found in these illicit drug labs. Firefighters and emergency response personnel who use the kit can identify the toxic threat at hand, reducing the risk for exposure from the toxic vapors emitted by the illicit lab.
Chameleon Chemical Suicide Detection Kit
The number of law enforcement and EMS calls responding to possible chemical suicides has increased over the last few years. Mixing household chemicals and cleaners in an enclosed space can create a toxic mixture that causes asphyxiation. And the threat can persist, endangering first responders who arrive at the scene. The Chameleon Chemical Suicide Detection Kit can protect emergency medical service professionals and other responders from the hazards most commonly found in these toxic chemical concoctions, reducing the risk of exposure when responding to a chemical suicide attempt.
Chameleon Fire Investigator Kit
Whether a fire occurs in a residence, business or industrial facility, combustion creates a cocktail of toxic gases in the fire smoke. Today’s houses and businesses are full of plastics, foams, synthetics and chemicals that can release toxic gases when burning. Even with the fire extinguished, the burn site may still produce unseen toxic chemicals. Fire investigators may not be aware of the hazards which they breathe when combing over debris. The Chameleon Fire Investigator Kit detects the most common chemicals outgassed after a fire, helping to protect firefighters by reducing the risk of exposure to chemicals like hydrogen cyanide.
TraceX Explosives Detection Kit
Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) and bomb technicians are professionals dedicated to the response and mitigation of incidents where a suspected explosive device is found. Many Fire Departments and Police Departments employ personnel with advanced explosive device render-safe training. These Hazardous Device Technicians can use the TraceX explosives detection kit to identify all major classes of explosives, home-made explosives (HMEs) and their precursors with just one swab. The TraceX kit allows users to quickly and accurately determine the explosive threat at hand.