Our Products: Your World – Chameleon

Our Products: Your World – Chameleon

The Fire raged for hours. It all began as a spark, a small, insignificant murmur of smoke with a whisper of danger. Soon after, the blazes rose high and an army of bright lights and fireproof figures rushed to squelch the now engulfed structure. Ladders and firehoses...
Chemical Spotlight – Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB)

Chemical Spotlight – Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB)

What is Perfluoroisobutylene? Perfluoroisobutylene, also known as PFIB, is a very dangerous and toxic chemical.  It is a byproduct in the production of very important and useful chemicals.  In the manufacturing process, PFIB is captured and the elimination...
New Badge Development

New Badge Development

Morphix is often asked, “How do you decide which chemicals to develop badges for when there are hundreds of thousands of chemicals produced?”.  First, that is a great question!  Morphix relies on our customers to tell us what they need.  We often ask the question, “is...