TraceX Unmanned Uses
The TraceX Explosive Detection Kit is a colorimetric detection system that identifies major Homemade Explosive (HME) Groups and their precursors. This kit detects nine families of explosives with one test cycle, and it’s handheld! Detection in a case about the size of an index card.
In today’s world, the threat of terrorism, attacks on the public, and local communities is huge. It means always having access to easy, quick, and accurate testing for HMEs.
Current Unmanned Uses
An emerging tactic in defense against explosives is unmanned vehicles (or robots and UGVs). Robots have been used to keep EOD officers out of danger since 1972. In fact, the first of these designs being a rugged ‘wheelbarrow robot’. There are countless ways that an unmanned vehicle may be used to protect those in harm’s way including detonation and disposal. A lesser known but still highly important use is explosive detection. How do Enter robots (AKA unmanned ground vehicles or UGV’s). They provide access and explosive detection to areas that may be too dangerous or unstable for humans.
CBRNE specialists, bomb, and EOD technicians train extensively to ensure they are prepared for the most deadly of situations- risking their lives to save so many others. The training differs from local and state law enforcement agencies to military branches, however, the consistency is in its ever-evolving curriculum. The FBI’s Hazardous Devices school has trained over 20,000 first responders and bomb techs since opening and unmanned uses has become an integral part of their instruction. Each branch of the military has trained countless individuals in their own facilities.
So how do robots and TraceX fit together?
TraceX Unmanned uses are varying and the TraceX Explosive Detection Kit is operated through a simple process of which, the collection of possible explosive materials can be completed with any unmanned vehicle that has an arm or a claw. A trained professional should always complete the following steps.
- At a safe distance from the suspect material, the technician simply closes the claw on the TraceX handle.
- The technician then maneuvers the robot toward the suspect material, and moves the arm to collect a sample using the TraceX collector.
- The robot is then returned to the technician who removes the collector and operates the kit.
Full instructions on how to operate the kit can be found here. Please keep in mind the instructions do not include unmanned use directions.

How to buy?
The TraceX Explosive Detection Kit is available for purchase through our sales department.
Contact: sales@morphix or (757)431-2260
and available for government customers through GSA