From spray foams, to coatings, to the building blocks of society, polyurethanes have become a very important industry. At the heart of every chemical endeavor, there are individuals striving for safety and knowledge for all who are a part of the community. Morphix Technologies was lucky enough to mingle with and present to some of the best in polyurethanes industry at the 65th annual Polyurethane Technical Conference sponsored by the American Chemistry Council and the Center for Polyurethanes Industry (CPI).

Morphix at the Show

The Morphix team brought our SafeAir Chemical Detection badges which included both TDI/MDI and phosgene badges. We showcased the TDI/MDI badge with their accompanying color comparators (sold separated for TDI and MDI). The team also brought our original SafeAir Phosgene badges, Phosgene Dura, and Phosgene Medi badges. Each product we shared has its own unique place in the polyurethane’s world.

Badge TypeSafeAir TDI/MDISafeAir Phosgene (original)SafeAir Phosgene DuraSafeAir Phosgene Medi
Badge Limit of Detection5 ppb·hr0.9ppm·min10ppm·min1.2ppm·min
Color Comparator RangeTDI: 5-140 ppb·hr
MDI: 5-140 ppb·hr
0.9 – 450 ppm·min10-450 ppm·min1.2-450 ppm·min
Service Life24 hours3 days5 days5 Days
Shelf-Life1 year ≤ 5°C1 year ≤ 5°C1 year ≤ 25°C1 year ≤ 25°C
Temperature Range*15 to 32°C13 to 37°C-15 to 50°C-15 to 50°C
Humidity Range11 to 87%RH10 to 99%RH10 to 99%RH10 to 99%RH
Sampling parameters of badges brought to the Polyurethanes Technical Conference 2023

Exhibitors ranged from all areas of polyurethanes and a collaborative spirit could be felt within the walls of the hall. A word from our marketing team that attended the event,

“The experience was good, so many people were able to have long conversations which broadened to more than just a sales pitch. We were able to connect with existing and potential clients alike while being able to explain some of the more technical aspects of our business and badges.”

The Morphix team also took this conference as an opportunity to answer questions they received at the show and hosted a live Twitter Q&A. Take a look at the thought-provoking responses.

The Morphix Team took on San Antonio September 25-27th after a brief show in China on September 11-13th. Photos from both shows are below. September was filled with many conversations around the world about polyurethane safety, and Morphix Technologies SafeAir badges.

We look forward to continuing the conversation throughout the year and exhibiting to the Polyurethane Industry in 2024!