
– Chemical Detection in the Fluoropolymer Industry

Filling a Gap in Chemical Detection

Leading PTFE manufacturers worldwide have safety top of mind. Fluoropolymers are essential in various advanced applications, including but not limited to electronics, medical and aerospace as well as household use in non-stick cooking.   However, the production process involves potentially toxic chemicals, posing safety challenges that demand rigorous attention. The PTFE industry is making essential contributions to modern technology, while maintaining focus on safety. From handling toxic chemical substances to managing high-temperature processes, workers face various potential hazards in the manufacturing process including chemical byproducts. A robust safety focus is critical to protect employees from chemical exposures and ensure a safe working environment. Perfluoroisobutylene or PFIB is a significant byproduct of the manufacture of fluoropolymers, tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene. PFIB exposure can lead to serious health issues and even death making its detection critical. In collaboration with a leading PFTE producer, Morphix Technologies developed the SafeAir PFIB badge – the only badge currently available to detect PFIB.

chemical detection for aerospace



power plant workers




Formaldehyde: Debunked

Formaldehyde: Debunked

Found naturally in the body and other organic materials in our environment, formaldehyde or CH2O is actually all around us. So why the stigma? Why when we hear formaldehyde do we think of embalming fluids and mortuaries? Where is it actually found and why does Morphix...

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The Big Deal – Chemical Detection

The Big Deal – Chemical Detection

What is Chemical detection and why do we need it? Believe it or not, the need for chemical detection is not just prevalent in chemical labs and big science corporations. In fact, the need spreads out over almost every industry in one way or another. From sanitizing...

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Chameleon: “Are we as prepared as we could be?”

Chameleon: “Are we as prepared as we could be?”

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Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB)

PFIB is a significant byproduct of the fluoropolymer industry. It is also used as etching material for the semiconductor fabrication and synthesis of polymeric materials industry. The applications for fluoropolymers continue to grow and it is imperative that these workers in these plants and production facilities are protected against the potential risk of PFIB exposure. The SafeAir PFIB badge is the only badge available for the detection of this hazardous chemical. SafeAir PFIB badges help to ensure employee safety.