This year’s IAFC HazMat 2023 Conference exceeded our expectations with both the number and quality of the attendees.  It was a great conference and another reminder that we serve heroes every single day.

HazMat 2023 was an exciting event and according to the International Association of Fire Chiefs (or IAFC) website, the Hazardous Materials Committee serves as the IAFC’s subject matter expert regarding hazardous materials and dangerous goods. Listed on their committee webpage is a list a capabilities and competencies including:

  • Monitors and identifies trends in the fire and emergency response community and industry with regard to emergency response to hazardous materials incidents both nationally and internationally.
  • Monitors and provides recommendations with regard to development of new equipment and associated training and tactics.
  • Develops lessons learned from major incidents.
  • Advises the IAFC Board of Directors on policy issues relating to hazardous materials response.
  • Works closely with Congress and federal agencies to ensure that federal law, regulations, and policies are written and implemented to meet the needs of the fire and emergency service and the communities they protect.

What is the IAFC International Hazardous Materials Response Team?

the link above also shares IAFC projects that range from work with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to the Hydrogen Leadership Panel. The Committee truly values education and representation of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide.

This International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference (HAZMAT) is held yearly, in the spring, and provides the latest classroom, hands-on and field trip-based training on what’s new in hazmat, covering all aspects of hazmat, including transportation, safety, WMD, gear, terrorism, mass decontamination, bioterrorism and more. The hazmat exhibit floor includes outdoor demonstrations of hazardous materials gear and equipment. The training offered at the HAZMAT Conference offers immediate, practical, and valuable information designed to ensure you successfully meet the demands of HAZMAT response in today’s challenging environment. This year Morphix Technologies represented ourselves with the Chameleon Chemical Detection Armband and the TraceX Explosive detection kit. Booth 430 couldn’t have had a better time!

There were countless keynote speakers this past week. Those included members of local fire departments, subject matter experts, retired HazMat specialists, and many more.

Hazmat according to the Morphix Team

From our VP of Sales and Marketing, her favorite part of the experience was “The IAFC HazMat 2023 Conference is one of the best events to exhibit our Chameleon Detection armband.  The conference is extremely well run and the attendees are exactly the audience we want to reach”. We also brought our newest team member along, her thoughts; “It was just incredible seeing all of these like-minded individuals together! We know that those we’re supporting with our product are making a difference, but the comradery was unparalleled. The show definitely exceeded my expectations. We made some great connections and hopefully met a few new customers. I can’t wait to see how the Chameleon impacts the lives of these firefighters and how their daily safety may shift.”

“It’s great…I would buy this thing with my own dang money!”

– Heard at the Morphix booth

Our LinkedIn and Twitter pages will be catching up with the plethora of photos taken over the next few days. Make sure to follow and turn on notifications to see some amazing excerpts from this year’s event.

The photo below features the Morphix booth setup during HAZMAT2023. Also below is a distributor partnership display.

Take a look at our

Chameleon chemical detection and our TraceX explosive detection

for yourself!

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